DR. YEUNG, Wing Hon
Cilck Here For Principal_2024-25
- Qualifications
2023-Present |
Advisor, Hong Kong Education University. Advisor, New Asia Arts and Business College. Assistant Professor (PT), Shue Yan University, HK Advisor, History Department, Hong Kong Shue Yan University Advisor, cnhe (國史教育中心) Advisor, Academy of Chinses Studies |
Advisor, Hong Kong Education University. Advisor, New Asia Arts and Business College. Certificate, Certification for Principalship, Education Bureau, Government of Hong Kong. MA, Religious Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Certificate, Structured Support Newly Appointed Principals of Secondary and Special Schools, Institute of Education.Lecturer (PT), Hong Kong University Space, HK Assistant Professor(PT), Shue Yan University, HK Certificate of Attendance, Induction Programme for Newly Appointed Principals, Education Bureau, Hong Kong Government. Certificate, Preparation for Principalship Course for Aspiring Principals, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Development Needs Analysis for Aspiring Principal. Certificate, Leadership Training Program for Principals, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. |
2000-2011 |
PhD, Beijing Normal University, China. MSW, the University of Hong Kong, HK. Lecturer (PT), Hong Kong University Space, HK Lecturer (PT), Education Department, University of Macau, Macau. Assistant Professor, New Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies, HK. Assistant Professor, Shue Yan University, HK. Vice Principal, Counseling Master, St. Francis Xavier’s School (T.W.), HK |
1982-1999 |
Lecturer (PT), Department of Linguistics and Translation, City University of Hong Kong, HK MEd, University of Nottingham, UK |
II. Working Experience
2023-Present |
Principal, Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall) (Former Confucius Hall Secondary School) |
2012–2023 |
Principal, Confucius Hall Secondary School |
2010–Present |
Part-time Lecturer, Hong Kong University Space, HK |
2000–Present |
Part-time Assistant Professor, Shue Yan University, HK |
11/1984-8/2012 |
Teacher Librarian, Counseling Master, Vice-Principal, St. Francis Xavier’s School, HK |
2003-2006 1999-2004 |
Part-time Lecturer, Department of Education, Macau University, Macau Part-time Assistant Professor, New Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies, HK |
1995–1996 |
Part-time Lecturer, Department of Linguistics and Translation, City University of Hong Kong, HK |
1985-1989 |
Panel Head, Discipline Master, Vice Principal, Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Evening School, HK |
Conferences Attended
- 「舊學新傳—新亞研究所七十周年所慶國際學術研討會」,報告題目:〈全漢昇教授在研究白銀上的成就〉,新亞文商書院及新亞研究所校友會合辦,地點:新亞研究所,2023年10月6-7日。
- International Filial Piety Seminar 2019, Topic: “Filial Piety education in Hong Kong”, Filial Piety Association, Polytechnic University, 5th July., 2019
- 「兩岸四地中國歷史教育學術研討會」,報告題目:〈以校史為教材:孔聖堂歷史〉,樹仁大學歷史系、杜葉錫恩教育基金主辦,地點:香港歷史博物館,2019年1月12日
- International Filial Piety Seminar 2018, Filial Piety Association, Holiday Inn Hotel, HK, 13th Apr., 2018.
- International Symposium on the Centenary of Democracy and Education , HKCCCU Logos Academy, 22nd Oct., 2015.
- International Conference on The History of Hong Kong: Interpreting History through Culture and Literature, Hong Kong IED and Shue Yan University, 10th April, 2015.
- International Conference of Confucianism, Hong Kong Shue Yan University jointly organized with Beijing Normal University, 18th May, 2012
- International Conference of Liberal Studies in Chinese writing districts, Kaohsiung, I-Shou University, 9th April, 2005
- 2nd International Conference of Confucianism, Hong Kong, Confucian Academy, 22nd Sept., 2005
- International Conference of famous historians and historical thoughts & literatures in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, 10th -12th June, 2004
- Talks and Lectures
- “Attitude towards Practicum”, Shue Yan University, 22nd Nov, 2023.
- “Contemporary Values of Confucianism”, Symposium of Confucianism, Academy of Innovation, 21st Oct, 2023.
- 〈論中學中國語文文言文教學〉,香港教育大學主辦「中國歷史座標尺—全方位學習教學活動閉幕禮暨粵港澳大灣區『品德情意,經典詠志』教學發展計劃開幕禮」,Education University of Hong Kong, 19th, Oct., 2023.
- “Strengthen the resilience of the youth in different stage”, in “ Life Education Forum”, Hong Kong Education University, 10th April,2021.
- “Benevolence and Education”, Seminar on Chinese Moral Education, New Asia College, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 6th July, 201
- “Filial Piety Activities in Hong Kong”, International Filial Piety Seminar 2019, Filial Piety Association, 5th July, 2019.
- “History of Confucius Hall”, City University, 15th, 2019.
- “History of Confucius Hall”, Po Leung Kuk, 26th,2019
- “Challenges of Contemporary families”, International Filial Piety Seminar 2018, Filial Piety Association, 13th, 2018.
- “Confucianism and Life”, The people’s Government of Luohe, Henan, China, 4th, Aug., 2017.
- “Sincerity and intelligence”( 誠明), Seminar on Chinese Moral Education, New Asia College, Chinese University of Hong Kong,8th July, 201
- “Confucianism and Education”, Odsherreds Efterskole, Denmark, 8th, 2017.
- “Implementation of wisdom”, Seminar on Chinese Moral Education, New Asia College, Chinese University, 9th July, 2016.
- “Life Planning-Exchange Program”, HONGKONGLER, 9th, July,2016.
- “How to be a leader”〈 領袖學生〉,HONGKONGLER,15th, April, 2016.
- “Life Planning of Hong Kong Students”〈香港學生的生涯規劃〉, especially for the students from Mainland in Chinese University, 28th, Jan., 2016.
- “Filial Piety”〈孝〉,The Methodist Church HK Wesley College, 19th Jan., 2016.
- “Confucianism and HK Children”〈儒家思想與港孩〉,Ma Kam Ming Charitable Foundation Ma Chan Duen Hey Memorial College, 19th Nov., 2015.
- “Nature of Human being of Confucius” (孔子人性論) ,International Symposium on the Centenary of Democracy and Education,HKCCCU Logos Academy, 22nd Oct., 2015.
- 〈優質策略(自閉症)—中學階段〉”Quality Strategies (Autism) –Secondary Education”, Hong Kong Institute of Education, 13th, July 2015.
- “Confucianism in HK Secondary School ”Seminar on Chinese Moral Education, New Asia College, Chinese University, 4th July, 2015.
- 「中學教師職業輔導及生涯規劃文憑課程」”Cert. on Career Guidance and Life Planning for Sec. School Teachers”, Hong Kong University Space, 17th,2015.
- ”Quality Strategies (Autism) –How to help Autism Students”〈優質策略(自閉症)—如何協助自閉症同學〉, Hong Kong Institute of Education,15th, July 2014.
- ”Strategies for Autism Students”〈協助自閉症同學的策略〉, Hong Kong Institute of Education, 27th, April, 2013.
- ”Communication skills with parents”〈家長溝通技巧〉, Rosaryhill School, 2nd May, 2014
- ”Confucianism and HK Children”〈孔子思想與港童〉, Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Secondary School, 24th Oct,2012.
- ”Combination of Discipline and Counseling”〈訓輔合一〉, Hong Kong Red Cross John F. Kennedy Centre, 6th Jan,2012.
- ”Skills of interviewing Parents”〈家長面面觀〉, Hong Kong Red Cross John F. Kennedy Centre, 10th Dec,2010.
- ”Humanity and Filial Piety of China”〈人文精神與中國孝道〉,Wesley College, 16th Nov,2010.
- 〈班主任在全校訓輔工作中所扮演的角色〉”The role of a Form Master/Mistress to implement Discipline and Counseling Polices”, SKH Chan Young Secondary School, 9th Oct, 2010
- ”Conflicts between two generations”〈兩代相處之道〉,九龍會展國際中心「丁亥年道教節千歲宴」,The Hong Kong Toaist Association, 30th Mar,2007
- ”Management of Crisis”〈校園危機處理〉,University of Macau,21st and 28th, Oct, 2006
- ”Confucianism and Daily Life”〈儒道思想與現代生活〉,香港中國文化協會「五十周年紀念中國文化講座, Chinese Culture Association, 27th July,2006
- 「學生輔導與小組技巧」”Group Counseling for students”, University of Macau,18th, 21st,22nd July, 2006
- ”Comments on Distinguish between ’Human being’ and ‘Animal’〈論孟子「人」與「禽獸」之別〉of Mencius”,Confucian Academy, 22nd Sept,2005
- ”Realism and ‘Yu Shi Ming Yan’”〈現實主義與《喻世明言》〉,「華文地區大學通識教育國際研討會」,I-Shou University, Taiwan, 9th Apr,2005
- ”Jump out from addiction”〈跳出迷「網」〉,Tsuen Wan Town Hall, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
- ”The achievement of Prof. Chuan Han-Sheng on investigation about silver currency of Ming Dynasty”〈全漢昇教授在研究明代白銀上的成就〉,「香港史學及史學名家國際研討會」,Hong Kong Baptist University, Jun, 2004
- ”Famous Historic Works and their Thoughts”〈中國史學名著與史學精神〉,「新亞研究所五十周年所慶演講系列」,Hong Kong New Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies,16th, May 2004
Publications (Books/Essays/Editor)
- 〈儒教在香港的發展〉,收在陳進國、張斌主編:《粵港澳大灣區宗教藍皮書(2021-2022)》,澳門:文化公所;廣州:暨南大學澳門研究所,2023。
- 〈性善惡論的反思〉,《新亞論叢》第二十三期,台北:萬卷樓,2022。
- 〈論《國史大綱》與政體演變〉,收在王汎森、黃兆強等主編《重訪錢穆》,台北:秀威資訊,2021。
- 《叮嚀與棒喝—校長的說話》,香港:天地圖書公司,2021。
- 《虛構與史實—從話本「三言」看明代社會(增修版)》,台北:萬卷樓,2021。
- 〈論《國史大網》與歷史發展〉,《新亞論叢》第二十一期,台北:萬卷樓,2020。
- 《寢書樓詩詞集》庚子編,台北:萬卷樓,2020。
- 《孔聖堂詩詞集庚子編》,台北:萬卷樓,2020。
- 〈論《國史大網》與歷史發展〉,收在《新亞論叢》第二十一期,台北:萬卷樓,2020。
- 〈憶新亞研究所師友情誼〉《新亞論叢》第二十期,台北:萬卷樓,2019。
- 〈晚明三餉與明帝國崩潰〉《新亞論叢》第二十期,台北:萬卷樓,2019。
- 〈孔聖堂與國學推廣〉,收在《國文天地》,第三十四卷,第十一期,四月號,台北:萬卷樓,2019。
- 〈「三言」與輪回觀念〉,《新亞論叢》第十九期,台北:萬卷樓,2018。
- 〈學海書樓的創建〉,收在《國文天地》,第三十三卷,第十期,三月號,台北:萬卷樓,2018。
- 〈社工生涯〉,收在《教育同心徑—校長也上課三》,香港,灼見名家,2018。
- 〈論晚明軍兵月餉〉,收在楊永漢主編《宋敘五教授紀念論文集》,台北:萬卷樓,2018。
- 《紀念牟宗三先生逝世二十周年國際研討會論文集》,主編,台北:萬卷樓,2018。
- 〈「三言」與人間異類〉,《新亞論叢》第十八期,台北:萬卷樓,2017。
- 關應良《雲外樓詩詞集》,主編,台北:萬卷樓,2016。
- 〈從《清江縣志》看晚明三餉徵收的情況〉,收在陳慈玉主編《承先啟後—王業鍵院士紀念論文集》,台北:萬卷樓,2016。
- 〈孔聖堂歷史及對香港的貢獻〉,收在《1894-1920年代歷史鉅變中的香港》,香港:珠海學院歷史文化研究中心,2016年5月,頁414-427。
- 〈「三言」與明代因果報應觀念〉,《新亞論叢》第十七期,台北:萬卷樓,2016。
- 〈孔聖堂與香港國學發展〉,《國學新視野》,秋季版,香港:2016年。
- 《新亞論叢》第十六期,主編,台北:萬卷樓,2015年。
- 〈從佛教「無我」看宋儒「去人欲,存天理」〉,《新亞論叢》第十五期,台北:萬卷樓,2014。
- 《新亞論叢》第十五期,主編,台北:萬卷樓,2014年。
- 〈論佛教傳入對中國鬼神觀的影響〉,《新亞論叢》第十四期,香港:國際教科文出版社,2013年。
- 《寢書樓詩詞集》,收在楊永漢主編《孔聖堂詩詞集》,台北:萬卷樓,2013年。
- 〈從「三言」看明代南方經濟〉,收在廖伯源主編《邦計貨殖—中國經濟的結構與變遷(全漢昇先生百歲誕辰紀念論文集)》,台北:萬卷樓,2013年。
- 〈論孔、孟的「勇」〉,《新亞論叢》第十三期,香港:國際教科文出版社,2012年。
- 《四知詩詞集》,詩詞合集,合著,成達出版社,2010年。
- 〈儒、道思想與生活—中國文化協會五十周年會慶文化講座講稿〉,《新亞論叢》,第十一期,香港:文教出版社,2010年。
- 〈從「三言」看明代司法制度〉,《新亞論叢》,第八期,香港:文教出版社,2006年。
- 《虛構與史實—從話本「三言」看明代社會》,專著,台北:萬卷樓,2006年。
- 〈論孟子「人」與「禽獸」之別〉,收在《「第二屆儒學國際學術研討會」論文集》,香港:孔教學院,2006年。
- 〈現實主義與《喻世明言》〉,收在《台灣義守大學華文地區通識教育國際研討會論文集》電子版,台灣:義守大學,2005年。
- 〈「三言」與話本〉,收在台灣親民學院《國文教育研討會論文集》,台灣:親民學院,2004年。
- 〈晚明遼餉的支出〉,《新亞論叢》,第五期,香港:文教出版社,2003年。
- 〈先秦儒﹑道二家的道初探〉,《新亞論叢》,第三期,台灣:天工出版社,2001年。
- 〈從畢自嚴《督餉疏草》看明代海運之困難〉,《新亞論叢》,第一期,台灣:天工出版社,1999年。
- 《論晚明遼餉的收支》,專著,台灣:天工出版社,1998年。
- Advisor /Associate Professor, The New Asia Arts and Commence College
- Advisor, Chinese Language Department, Education University of Hong Kong
- Advisor, History Department, Shue Yan University.
- Advisor, 國史教育中心.
- Expert Team Member, Project “Autism Spectrum Disorders in ordinary school” by The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 2013-2015
- Chief Editor, ‘The Poems from Confucius Hall’(《孔聖堂詩詞集》
- Executive Editor, 《邦計貨殖—中國經濟的結構與變遷(全漢昇先生百歲誕辰紀念論文集)》
- Registered Social Worker
- Council Member, China Ethnic & Folk Culture and Arts Exchange Association Ltd
- Supervisor of Master Degree Candidates, New Asia Institutes of Advanced Chinese Studies
- Chief Editor, Xin Ya Lun Cong (Yearly Journals)
- Member, Wan Chai District Fire Safely Committees (2019-2022)